Elder Terence received a call from his mother, in the sound of panic, on the news of his 88-year-old father’s fall. At that time, MCO roadblocks were set up – travelling without a permit was prohibited. Despite that, Elder Terence prayed and declared God’s goodness during his 30-minute journey to his parents’ home and took his father for a checkup. The X-ray confirmed that his father broke his ball joint of the left femur and a surgery was needed to replace the joint. The church prayed collectively. After the operation, his father was in the ICU for two days. When he was discharged on the fourth day, he was on his new wheelchair. Within the first week, his father walked using a standard walker and had learned to walk downstairs independently. A few weeks later, the doctor said his recovery was remarkable, his a foot-long wound had healed completely. Today, he’s started using the single walker! It could only be God who had restored his mobility – at such an age. This experience had also enabled Elder Terence to speak very openly with his father– to check on his father’s personal relationship with Jesus. His dad said he prayed the prayers Elder Terence texted him every day. This family is encouraged to never give in to fear and panic, but give in to His peace and His word. It’s a powerful spiritual discipline indeed.


…父亲的恢复神速… 唯有神才能够…

Terence 长老收到母亲打来的一通电话, 耳里传来母亲焦虑的声音,告知他年长八十八岁的父亲摔倒了。那时,到处都设立了行动管制令 MCO 的路障 — 必须持有特别准证才能穿梭于城市里不同的地方。尽管如此,在 Terence 长老开车前往父母亲家三十分钟的车程里,还有载送父亲到医院检查的路程上,他仍继续地祈祷并且宣告神的良善。 后来,X-ray 报告显示父亲的左边大腿骨球节破裂了,他急需动复合手术。 当时,教会同心合意,迫切地为他祈祷。术后,父亲被送入深切治疗病房休养两天。第四天,他坐在新的轮椅上出院了。在同一个星期,父亲能够开始使用普通的步行拐杖了,也练习自己上下楼梯。 几个星期后,医生说父亲的恢复神速,他身上那一英尺长的伤口已经完全愈合了。今天,他已经开始使用单脚拐杖了!唯有神才能够让他年老的身躯完全恢复,并且行动自如。 这个经历让 Terence 长老有机会跟父亲侃侃而谈 — 也谈及父亲与耶稣的关系。 父亲也说自己每一天都按照儿子传给自己的经文简讯来祈祷。 经历了这一次,这个家庭再次被提醒永不屈服于恐惧和恐慌,要依靠神的平安和话语。这真是一个大有能力的属灵原则。

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